What is ADAS?

What is ADAS?

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are a number of systems that aid a driver while driving. These systems are intended to increase car safety as well as enhance general road safety.

What is Thinkware’s ADAS?

Our ADAS is comprised of 4 Alerts. The four alerts are Front Vehicle Departure Warning, Front Collision Warning, Lane Departure Warning, and Forward Collision Warning.

ADAS is a premium feature and is only available on select models.

Let’s go over the notifications so you know what to look and listen for!

ADAS Compatibility

ADAS Included GPS Antenna Required (sold separately)
U3000 X700
U1000 Plus X800


Q1000 F200 PRO
F800 / F800PRO  



Front Vehicle Departure Warning (FVDW)

Front Vehicle Departure Warning Signals that the vehicle in front of you has started to move when you are at a full stop.

FVDW Visual Notification

Audio Notification:


Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS)

Lane Departure Warning System provides you with an alert if the vehicle you are driving drifts out of its lane.

LDWS Visual Notification

Audio Notification:

Front Collision Warning System (FCWS)

The Front Collision Warning System alerts the driver when the following distance between them and the vehicle in front is too close.

There are 4 different visual FCWS notifications. There are 2 low-speed FCWS and 2 high-speed FCWS notifications.

The low speed or ‘Urban Forward Collision Warning System’ (uFCWS) is triggered when the vehicle is travelling at 30KMH (19MPH) or lower.

The regular FCWS is triggered when the vehicle is travelling above 30KMH (19 MPH).

Visual Alerts 

Preliminary uFCWS  Secondary uFCWS
Preliminary FCWS  Secondary FCWS

Audio Notification:

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