Overwrite Videos


Overwrite Videos 

The Overwrite Videos setting allows you to choose which Folders will overwrite once the SD Card is full.


If you disable any folder from Overwriting, the MicroSD Card will eventually become full and the Dash Cam will be unable to continue to record.

The Dash Cam will announce "Insufficient Storage, Format the SD Card".

You must Format the MicroSD or erase the files manually for the Dash Cam to resume recording.

*Continuous Recording Files will always overwrite, and cannot be disabled.

Altering the Overwrite Videos Settings

1. Connect to the Dash Cam via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. 

2. Select Dash Cam Settings > Memory Card Settings

3. Check the video types that you would like to overwrite when at capacity.

4. Tap the back arrow in the top-left to save your changes.

*For more information on the capacity of the MicroSD Card, please click here.

Note: The settings vary depending on the dash cam model

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